Thursday, March 29

03-28 Lake Georgetown

Brian hiked all the way around Lake Georgetown. It took him almost 12 hours to do the 26+ mile hike. The kids and I met up with him for lunch at one of the parks and then hiked with him for a bit.  We did 2 miles in with him and then turned around and headed back to the car.  Here are a few pictures from his day.

He fell asleep with that smile waiting for me to take the picture.

Cool flower garden & water falls in the middle of no where. Needed a boat (which he forgot to pack) to get a better picture of the falls.  You can get to this garden from Cedar Breaks Park.  It's a 5 mile hike in and back out.

The trail thru a small stream had stepping stones and dry spots laid out making a path. The next logical step was this set of roots where this guy was camouflaged. Brian came inches from stepping on the poor guy.

A huge flock of 'vultures' began circling above us waiting for one of us to kick the bucket. Pretty neat to see that many birds flying in a huge spiral. You could hear the wind blowing past their wings. 

Brian leaves his family behind to finish his hike. It rained most of the remaining 8-9 miles. It was so fun with those heavy mud caked boots that looked more like snow shoes ! Had to protect the phone so no more pictures.

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