Friday, February 17

02-17 Mad Scientist

I enjoyed a Friday off of work today.  Awesome day full of rain.  We could use more but we almost have an inch.  Too bad most of the rain will fall to the east and not the west where it would fill up the lakes.  Oh, right.  You want to hear about today's photo.  Couldn't get the little scientist to smile.  He wanted it to be a creepy photo.  He began another science project today.  He is holding the knife for creepiness. The chicken bone in the jar is the experiment.  Michaela can't wait for this experiment to be over and done with.  She freaks out every time she sees the chicken bone.  It has been out on the kitchen counter drying.  But now it's in a jar of vinegar. This experiment will show Gabe what makes bones strong.

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