Monday, January 2

01-02 Homeschool

Our first day back to school.
  No one really wanted to get up early so we slept in, 8am wake up call instead of 7am. ;-)  We also did just half a day of work.  I let the kids pick out 4 subjects to get done today and they have to finish up work not done, on Friday.  Friday's are usually free days unless there is makeup work.  A plus to homeschooling. =D

Yes, I did two photo's again.  The kids were doing their electives.  Gabe is practicing guitar.

And Mic is learning Japanese.

Brian has been taking down the outside Christmas decorations, and watched some Ohio State football, and I did a little house work and graded the kids school work.  Now I'm off for some more fun with Mic and her History. :-/

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