Sunday, January 1

01-01 Church & Cupcakes

Happy New Year!!

Ok, so I said a photo-a-day but I had to do two for today because I couldn't pick just one.  
We started the first day of the year at Westside Church of Christ where we attend regularly.  Usually there are two services, last Sunday and today there was just one service.  We got there late and had to sit so far in the back we were past the kitchen area. Brian said, "This is where you have to sit when you have two girls who can't get up and get ready on time."  We could never do the 8:30 service.

This afternoon Michaela finally got to make her cupcakes.  She has been asking me for a while to make a recipe that she got out of one of her books. She made vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting.  The book is called Mia in the Mix, from the Cupcake Diaries by Coco Simon.  We were all surprised that she didn't make pink frosting.  She said she wanted them to be likable by everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Our church used to start at 8:30 every Sunday, and that was the only option for morning services. It was crazy! Now it's at 9, which is a little better. I think it's harder for us because we homeschool and we don't usually have to get up and go anywhere very early! lol Good to see you blogging! Looking forward to more! :)
