Monday, July 30

07-29 Breakin' The Rules

There is a first time for everything I guess.  I forgot to pick up my drivers license on my way out the door to the prison.  Thought I had a brilliant idea to bring in my debit card since it is a photo I.D. Not a brilliant idea. I got a talking to by a lieutenant and had to drive the 45 miles back home without teaching any prisoners. So, note to self. NEVER bring a credit or debit card  into the prison.

07-28 Sleep Over Too

Gabe went over to spend the night with Cranston.  I'm sure there was lots of video gaming and nerf wars.

07-27 Sleep Over

We did a sibling switch. Beatrice came over here to spend the night with Mic and.....

07-26 Homeschool

I've been working on our upcoming school year schedule.  Typing the kids core subjects into Homeschool Tracker Plus.  Makes it easy to print out the kids daily work and keep track of grades.

Friday, July 27

07-25 Sold!

Made my first sale on Craig's List.  Sold the math program that Michaela did last school year.  It helped to pay for this years math. Yay!

And I can't find the photo.  Oh well. =)

07-24 Food Pantry

We helped out with the food pantry set up again.  Got Mic to come along this time. Realized that Gabe and I don't really work well together.

07-23 Vote!

We took advantage of early voting.

07-22 Salad

This is my favorite salad.  Better than cole slaw. =)

07-21 Library

Took Mic to the library to pick out some more books.  We also found a cool coin in the parking lot. =)

Saturday, July 21

07-20 Texting

Since Gabe had a friend over Mic and her friend Nancy had a sleepover at Nancy's house.  I had a little trouble falling asleep so I did some Bible reading and a little texting.

07-19 Camp Friend

Gabe's good friend from Camp Bandina came for a visit.  Matt lives in Houston but his dad came to Austin for a conference so he dropped Matt off here for a sleepover.  I guess the boys had fun.  The were on the computer most of the time.  I tried to get them to go swimming but neither was interested.  They did take a break to have a nerf gun shoot out.  Wish I had taken a picture of that.

07-18 Tomato Fail

Last Summer I tried a tomato plant in a pot and it didn't work so this Summer I tried 3 a pot. One plant at least started one tomato but it took forever to turn orange.  Doesn't look good.  I tried. Not sure if I'll bother again next year.  No green thumb.  It was probably just too hot.

07-17 Food Pantry

Gabe and I went over to Leander Church of Christ today to help unload the truck and set up all the food for their food pantry today.  It was fun to help out.  Mic had a "headache" so she didn't join us.

07-16 Jumpstreet

Took the kids to Jumpstreet with some friends from our homeschool group. Jumpstreet is all about jumping on trampolines.  Gabe enjoyed playing dodge ball.  He's the blur in the top right. I sent Mic to take a picture of him. smh.  Should have done it myself.  Then Mic tried out the bucking horse.  Glad I got this shot right as it started cause she fell off immediately after.

Tuesday, July 17

07-15 Bible Study

I sat outside and read over a lesson that I had to teach at the prison tonight. I intended to read some of the fun science fiction book I have been reading but didn't have time.

Sunday, July 15

07-13 Movie Night

I had Mic on one side of me and Gabe on the other.  Can you tell what movie we chose to watch on Friday the 13th?  I'll put the answer below.


07-11 Slowing Down

No picture for today.  I'm slacking off on the picture taking. Life if taking a toll and I can't find happy things to take photos of everyday.

07-10 Michaela

I made Mic get off the computer and read.  She sat outside with me and enjoyed a few thunder showers while reading.

07-09 Drawing

Just a drawing by Gabe. =)

07-08 Rain!

Clouds that gave us hope for rain. We did get a little.=)

Saturday, July 7

07-07 My Friend

This is my little friend the hummingbird.  He likes to chase his friend away from the feeder often.  Today he was basking in the falling rain.  It was fun to watch him with his face to the sky while he bathed. Too cute. Just wish I had had a camera instead of my phone.

07-06 Anniversary

16 years of marriage today.  We had 8 years of the easy life and it's been 8 years of not knowing where we are going. Still together, still making it. Always walking with God.

07-05 Dog Walk

Mic and Josey on our family walk.

07-04 The 4th of July

Waiting for the fireworks show to start.  It was a great show.  Always love going to Georgetown on the 4th. Except for the rude lady that I yelled at as we were walking to our car.  She was very impatient and was yelling at drivers with horrible language.  I yelled for her to stop cursing.  She told me to stop listening but then she did shut up, so. I win! =)

07-03 Nails

Mic did her nails for the 4th.

07-02 Olden Days

A couple of photos from 18 years ago when Brian and first started dating.

07-01 Just a Funny

This is pinned next to our phone. ;-)

Tuesday, July 3

06-30 Clouds

Just some clouds that kept the temps under 100 this day. No rain.

06-29 Hummingbird

This little guy comes by to say hi and have a drink quite often.

06-28 Poor Mic

Brian always comes in to see Mic with an Isabella from Phineas & Ferb greeting.   "Whatcha doin?"  Drives her crazy. Especially if Gabe helps out.  She just calls for mom to help.  I do nothing.

06-27 Swimming

Took Gabe, Mic, and friends to the pool.  I think it got to 108 this day.

06-26 Sleepover

Mic had 3 friends sleep over.  They were up past 3 am.  

There are 3 girls on that bed.  Really.