Monday, June 25

06-25 Car Repair

Gabe is out helping Dad do a repair on the car.  Last night when I went to pick up the kids smoke was coming from the engine when I got into the church parking lot.  Thankfully several men were there to help me out.  They put the hose back on the radiator and then filled it with water.  We just got a new radiator a year ago.  Currently Brian and Gabe are out checking things out.  Looking for a leak and checking the hose.  Poor old car.  Really need it to last longer.

Also they are out during the hottest time of day.  Had to get it done though.

06-24 Dropping Off

Dropped both kids off for a youth devo at church.  Michaela's first teen activity. 
 Mic thought me weird to be taking a photo and Gabe doesn't like to face the sun. 

06-23 P & F

Phineas and Ferb joined us for supper.  A little P&F Macaroni and Cheese.

06-22 Wii

A little Mario Cart with the family.

06-21 Repair

A little repair on Walter the farting dog.  He's from a book people.  Walter the Farting Dog.  There are several books about him out there.  Our little Walter quit making noise.  Brian repaired the poor thing.

Wednesday, June 20

06-20 Gabe

Gabe made a desk out of the game box and has a pretty interesting set up so he can watch one of his anime shows.

06-19 Racoon

This little guy has been showing up around the house a lot lately. Usually he pops up when least expected and stares at you.  Here he is being our new squirrel hunter.

06-18 Stick Bug

Brian brought this back from his bike ride for Michaela.  No one wanted to play with it.  Didn't know stick bugs had a pincher in the back like a scorpion.  In the second photo he even curled it up like a scorpion would.  Too bad he walked to the back of the real stick when I took the photo.

06-17 Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!!

06-16 He's Back!

All campers arrived home safely and happy!!

Friday, June 15

06-15 Gabe's Baptism

Gabe has spent the week at a christian youth camp outside of Bandera Texas.

A little talk with Dad.

A walk into the water.


Gabe's cabin friends and camp counselor.

The Medina River where we baptized Gabe.


Took Mic and her friends to the pool.  Mic got a good sunburn from the day.  She wasn't really ready for the photo. Oops. ;-)  But I got tired of telling her to look up.

06-13 Ear Buds

Gabe isn't here to walk with us while listening to our music so Mic is helping us think of him.

06-12 Game

We've been killing time with family game time.

Thursday, June 14

06-11 Bored

Brian got bored so he took care of a lip of concrete that we stub our toes on sometimes.

Sunday, June 10

06-10 Bye Gabe

Gabe headed off for Camp Bandina this morning after services.  We also said farewell to the youth minister.  He's headed to a preaching job in Colorado.  Really wish we were headed to a new life as well.

Already missing this little guys hugs.

06-09 Packing

Gabe packing for his week at Camp Bandina. Seems to be trying really hard to bring along what he'll miss most.

06-08 Chicken Tacos

This was our "Blazing Saddles" meal. ;-)  I got this recipe from a mom in our homeschool group.  Loved it the first time we had it so I made it again.  Easy to make and I love that I could make it in the crock pot.  Lucy's recipe called for 3 chicken breasts in the bottom of the pot but I had 5 so I used them all.  Also a package of taco seasoning, I should have used two but it was still good.  Then I topped that with a large can of black beans and a large can of ranch style beans.  I left the pot on low all day.  When done I shredded the chicken and mixed it all together. I added my favorite side dish with Mexican meals, Rice a Roni Spanish Rice.

We had hard taco shells and flour tortillas, most of my family prefers flour tortillas.  But here is all the toppings we used.  I like simple and plain so I just used cheese, lettuce, and sour cream.  Usually I would have added chips to my plate but I wasn't that hungry so I skipped em.

Thanks for the recipe Lucy we love it!!

Saturday, June 9

06-07 Rarely Seen

This is a rare site.  Gabe is reading.

06-06 Four O'Clocks

This is one of my four o'clock flowers.  I took this photo at 10.  I never get to see them bloom.  No idea what time they actually open.  I just know it's after 10pm and before 7am.

06-05 Venus Transit

We wanted to view the transit at home but at the last minute we decided to head east away from all the clouds.  We got to Old Settlers Park in Round Rock Texas just in time and, to very few clouds so the sun wasn't covered up.

Here Brian is taking pictures, Mic is viewing through the binoculars, and Gabe is using the projector.  We bought special covers for the camera and binoculars so we could view the sun.  We had hoped to have one for the telescope but those covers were sold out.

Brian made a sun projector using the telescope and some cardboard and paper.  It worked great.  You can even see some of the sun spots.

Here is a better photo of the projected image.

And these are the photos Brian took with the camera.  If he had had more time to practice (it was cloudy most days before this event happened) and a better camera the photos would have been of better quality.  However I think Brian did a great job up until the sun went under some storm clouds.

Monday, June 4

06-04 No Glasses

Somebody keeps forgetting to wear her glasses so she was made to wear pretend ones.

06-03 Sunday Lunch

We had some left over spaghetti so that is what I chose to eat for lunch Sunday.  Then.  I dogs.  I wondered if the two would be good together.  AND THEN I thought of Sheldon Cooper. (Big Bang Theory) And yes I did.  I cut up the hot dog and put it on top.  It was pretty good. =)

06-02 Coffee

My Saturday morning coffee had sweet cream creamer in it and some yummy whip cream on top. =)

06-01 Nerf

Gabe is my Nerf gun addict.