Thursday, May 31

05-31 Michaela

Just a picture of Michaela and Josey and Goldie. Goldie is her new obsession. Not sure why. Gabe got rid of it, Mic found it, and now it's her new best friend.  Mic said the flash on my phone made Josey glow.

05-30 Backyard

It was a hot one yesterday. Sorry. Didn't look to see what the high was, but it was hot.  90,s hot. ;-)  Loving my flowers in the backyard though.

Tuesday, May 29

05-29 Sun

Been a busy day.  But we did fit in our first try to take a picture of the sun.  We ordered a solar filter so we can take pictures of the Venus Transit.  It happens next Tuesday!!  Wish we would have know that we could have gotten the glasses and filters for the eclipse that happened recently.

So this is Brian's quick 1st go at using the camera to take a pic of the sun.  Couldn't take more because it dipped behind the houses.

And here is a picture of the moon that Brian took.  And we have a cheap camera. Pretty cool huh?  Oh that we had an SLR and a telephoto lens.

Monday, May 28


I spent some time re uploading photos to this blog.  I got May done and am into April.  Only one blog will be without a photo so far. No more "workin' on the oven" photos. =(

Today we relaxed and played a few games of Tetris Link.

Mic is such a drama queen. ;-)

And we remembered our military.  Happy Memorial day!!

Sunday, May 27

05-27 Do Over

Because I deleted a folder from my phone all the photos that were on the blog are now gone.  I'm soooooo unhappy.  Now I get to hunt down all the photos and match then with the correct day on the blog.  Some will be easy, just find and upload. Others I will have to find and remake using FotoFlexer.  ;-/
Until I get the older photos up, this is what you might see.

Thursday, May 24

05-23 Museum

We took a trip to the Mayborn Museum in Waco Texas.  We had 3 teens and 6 elementary from our Eagles homeschool group.  

There were sixteen themed Discovery Rooms with hands-on activities, these rooms were designed to invigorate young imaginations and introduce them to the worlds of Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Communication, Health, Water and Bubbles, Energy, Optics, and Sound, among others. We walked through a model of the human heart, we learned how to "communicate" in hieroglyphics, we played a tune on the walk-on piano, and tried  reporting the TV news and weather.

Gabe thought he heard a toilet flushing in the shell and Mic enjoyed the typing on the type writer. Not sure if she had ever seen one before.

Then we explored along the Crossroads journey which was made up of traditional and walk-in dioramas as well as exploration stations-this interactive experience guided us through the natural science and cultural history of Central Texas.  The walk-in dioramas included a Limestone Cave, a Texas Forest, and the Waco Mammoth Experience. At the Waco Mammoth exhibit, we walked on a see-through floor to look down upon casts of the Columbian mammoth bones displayed exactly as they were unearthed at the Waco Mammoth Site, just 5 miles from the Baylor Campus.

Lastly we explored Governor Bill and Vara Daniel Historic Village.  We saw and old lawyers office, walked through a general store, sat in an old school house and an old church building.  A fun time was had by all.

05-22 Joggers

Took these after one of our short jogs.  Gabe is pretty normal in his choice for work out clothes.  Michaela?  Always has to wear a skirt.  Except on Sunday's for church.  Church time is when she wears a dress. And dresses can never be worn any other time.  I should have gotten a photo of her after church clothes this past Sunday.  She kept her dress on but had to put a shirt on over it so it looked like a skirt.  Can you imagine the drama around here?

05-21 Flowers

I have really been loving my morning glories this year. =)  I'm sure my followers on Instagram will get tired of seeing them. ;-)

Tuesday, May 22

05-20 Solar Eclipse

Sunday night the solar eclipse happened.  We were able to see a bit of  the sun being shadowed.  We had to drive a few miles away from our house.  Don't like living in a neighborhood during these times.  But anywho. We got to see it enough to show the kids what was happening and why.  We didn't have special glasses so we used some cardboard with a hole in it.

Then after the sun set we went home and watched it on the computer.

Next month Venus will be going in front of the sun.  It's called the Venus Transit and it doesn't happen again for over 100 years.  We have ordered the special glasses for this event. ;-) We'll even view it with the telescope.

Saturday, May 19

05-19 Sonic

We all had a treat from Sonic after supper.  Mic chose a strawberry milkshake.  Brian, Gabe, and I had the  Hey Batter Batter Blast.  And just so you know.  This version of cookie dough ice cream was millions times better than the one at Dairy Queen.  And it wasn't just because there was brownie batter as well as the cookie dough.  Just so you know. ;-)

Looks like they had too much ice cream.

Friday, May 18

05-18 Eagles

The final get together for the Eagles Homeschool Group.  Perfect weather for a picnic, hanging out, and games in the sand.  Some even enjoyed the water pad near by.

05-17 Teacher Friends

Most of my teacher friends at our end of the year dinner. The steak was yummy!!  Good bye Westover Christian Preschool. See you again in August......hopefully. ;-)

Wednesday, May 16

05-16 Library

Ok, so I did't take a picture at the library.  Didn't think about it. Would have been cool though.  I do however have a picture of what took place when we got home from the library.  Gabe went straight to his computer.  He did pick out 3 books though,  Beyonders: A world without heroes. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And Monkey See, Monkey Don't: a Cyberia novel.    Michaela, the book worm, started reading as soon as we got home. She was half way through one of her 6 books after about 45 minutes of reading.  She picked out Sleepover Sleuths, The bungalow mystery(Nancy Drew!) The Humming Room, Beswitched, and two anime books.

Tuesday, May 15

05-15 Last Day

Today was the last day of preschool.  And it rained all morning.  There was free play before lunch and then after lunch they had ice cream sundaes! 

Monday, May 14

05-14 Movie

We got some free movie tickets months ago.  We were waiting for a good movie that was worth viewing in the theater.  Avengers was well worth the wait.  There is one side effect while driving right after seeing this movie.  You want to drive REAL fast. ;-)

Sunday, May 13

05-13 Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day!!

05-12 Voted

Brian and I got out and voted today.  I didn't want to.  But I did.

05-11 Sleepy

Mic is so fun to wake in the morning.  *sarcasm*  The fun part is covering her with all her stuffed friends.

Thursday, May 10

05-10 Cake

Nope. Nobody in the house had a birthday today.  This is a 'just because we want it' cake.

Wednesday, May 9

05-09 Pepperplate

Pepperplate is a website where I can load all my recipes and do my meal planning.  I have put most of the dishes that we eat in my list.  I have yet to do what would be awesome and plan our meals for each week.

Tuesday, May 8

05-08 Rain

We didn't see much of these rain clouds last summer.   All this rain and the cooler temps have been awesome.  Thanking God and praying we get good rain this summer.

Monday, May 7

05-07 Chalk Drawing

Michaela drew this outside while I went over some science with her.  Too bad a few hours later a rain storm washed it away.

Sunday, May 6

05-06 Lizards

Saw these two guys roaming around the backyard.

Thought they were pretty cool till we saw that Aunt Julie one upped us.  My nieces and nephew are holding a snake whose head had been cut off.

Saturday, May 5

05-05 Baby Cardinal

Brian was able to catch some pictures of a daddy cardinal feeding his baby.  Daddy flew in, fed the baby, and flew back out again.

Friday, May 4

05-04 Graduation

Tonight was Westover Christian Preschool Spring program and graduation.  This is the class of 2025.

Thursday, May 3

05-03 Newtons!!

Did you know that Fig Newtons have been around for 100 years?  Did you also know that they have a new name?  NEWTONS.  That's it. Just Newtons.  After listening to K-Love talk about this several times today I had to go buy some!

05-02 Dreamcatcher

Another Lola Craft!!  She decided to make a dreamcatcher and this is what she came up with.

05-01 The Oven

This is the first page that I can't reload the pictures to.  These photos were permanently deleted at some point.  HUGE sad face. :-(


We got the replacement part for the oven today so the kids got to work on it.

Mic learned how to clean the oven.  Dad provided a lab coat so she wouldn't ruin her clothes.  She also used gloves so she wouldn't ruin her nails.  Or maybe the gloves were so she wouldn't have to touch the yuckyness.

Here is Gabe about to attach the new heating element.

We used the "new" oven to cook dinner and all was well!  Good job kids!