So excited that I can now text my sister! I hope she has an unlimited texting plan.
Monday, April 30
04-29 S'mores!
When Gabe got home from his church youth devo, Michaela built a fire and we all made s'mores. Lovely evening.
Saturday, April 28
04-28 Boys
Brian and Gabe played a little Mario Kart and then did some target practice. Nice relaxed Saturday afternoon.
04-27 BMcIlroy Spring 2012 Collection
Brian made these clothes this year with a Hawaiian theme for Easter.
Shirts for the boys, dresses and skirts for the girls.
Shirts for the boys, dresses and skirts for the girls.
Friday, April 27
04-26 Birthday
Thanks for all the birthday well wishes on FB. Thank you Mom and Dad for the visit, supper, and the cake! =) I'm hoping for a better year ahead.
04-24 Surprise!
My parents surprised me with a visit for my 40th birthday. I guess turning 40 is a pretty big deal. ;-)
Wednesday, April 25
04-23 Balloon
Yes I'm several days behind with my pictures. This big thing hovered over our house for a few minutes Monday afternoon.
Monday, April 23
04-22 Sunday
We truly had a relaxed Sunday. The kids did their thing, I did mine, and Brian went between shooting at grackles and squirrels to downloading music to his new phone.
Saturday, April 21
04-20 Party!
Mic had 4 friends over for her party. 3 stayed the night. The loudest 3. ;-) Thanks to the fan in our bedroom we were able to sleep through their laughter. Obviously I need to read up on the new camera. Hate that the photos came out blurry.
04-19 Birthday!
Had a little cake and a few presents today. She got something for the artist in her, the gamer, and the music lover.
Wednesday, April 18
04-18 Michaela
Miss Michaela doing her school work today.
Photo that was deleted. She was bouncing on an exercise ball while doing her work at her computer.
Photo that was deleted. She was bouncing on an exercise ball while doing her work at her computer.
Monday, April 16
04-16 Vet Visit
This is an unhappy Josey at the vet. Might have a kidney disease, might not. Nothing is easy for us lately. April is turning out to be one expensive month.
Sunday, April 15
04-15 Grilled Cheese, Cheese Burgers
Yep, we did it. Made it as low calorie as possible but it was still about 700 calories each. It's a burger between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Yes, I made 8 grilled cheese sandwiches. Fun. It was delicious! You must try it but, be real hungry first. Mic had to take the top off hers. Said her mouth wasn't big enough. That was hard to believe. ;-)
Saturday, April 14
04-14 Bird Watching
Brian protecting the birds from an attack.
For some reason this scene makes me think of Jimmy Stewart.
Friday, April 13
04-13 Visitors
A few of the visitors in our backyard today. Brian got lots of pictures of birds while stalking his nemesis. I love my cardinals.
Here he is. (or she) Brian's nemesis.
04-12 Basketball Injury
Gabe's first basketball injury. Finger hit with incoming basketball. It was swollen last night when I took the picture and he didn't like moving it because of the pain. Today it looked much better and he was using it fine.
Wednesday, April 11
04-11 Ladybugs
While out watering yesterday I noticed a lot of red scurrying around some flower pots.
Baby ladybugs!
So sad that these photos are gone forever.
So sad that these photos are gone forever.
Tuesday, April 10
04-10 TV
Here are my two Mr. Fixits about to work on the broken TV.
And here after the broken piece is replaced. Success!!
Monday, April 9
04-09 Gabe
Gabe doing some indoor practice. No, his sister was not the target.
Sadly another lost photo.
Sadly another lost photo.
P.S. I made Brian shoot me in the bum so we could see if the squirrel was feeling it. The squirrel seemed not to care.
P.S.S Yes. It hurt.
Sunday, April 8
04-08 Easter
Happy Hawaiian Easter from Texas!!
Kinda had to crop two photos together. We'll get better pictures when we have a camera.
Saturday, April 7
04-07 Easter Shoes
Went shoe shopping today with Mic. Thankfully it was a quick and easy search.
These shoes are a long way from the white patent leather shoes we always picked out for Easter. My favorite Easter shoes of all time were the Termites. I think I wore them in 1981. Hope to find and add a picture of them here later.
Friday, April 6
04-06 Twitter
This is one of the distractions in my life Twitter. It's all decked out for Easter. Currently showing are my Hello Mornings friends. We rise to say good morning and share any thoughts about our Bible study for the day.
Photo was deleted accidentally.
Photo was deleted accidentally.
Thursday, April 5
04-05 Preschool
We celebrated Easter at preschool today. We had an Easter egg hunt and a very cool Easter project that I found on Pinterest. The empty tomb. We used a small doughnut, mini oreo, candy grass, icing, and a graham cracker.
04-04 Passover Seder
Wednesday our homeschool group learned about the Passover seder. It's a holiday meal at which the story of the escape from slavery is told. If I had a better camera yesterday you would be able to see what was on Mic's plate. A mixture of chopped nuts wine (we used honey) and fruit symbolizes the mortar that the slaves used in their construction work. A dab of horseradish tastes as biting and bitter as slavery. Green herbs mean springtime and renewal. An egg represents new life. And of course there is matzo, the flat, hard bread that the slaves carried with them into the desert. This information is from
Tuesday, April 3
04-03 Sky
This is a picture of the "big bad storm" we had today. *sarcasm* Not a drop of rain was felt, or a rumble of thunder heard. Almost didn't post a photo today. I'm cranky. Ok. YES! I NEED my android phone back. P.S. If you ever think your life can't get any worse, wait. Cause it will get worse. I'm beginning to think that only special people get help from God. See? Told ya I was cranky.
Monday, April 2
04-02 Haircuts
The girls got haircuts today. I even let Mic get a pink feather in her hair. You can kinda see it on the right of her head.
Sunday, April 1
04-01 Dominoes
I've made it three days without my smart phone. I do not have the shakes or a twitchy eye. Contrary to what my family thinks, I'm not addicted to my phone. But I will be glad to have it back tomorrow. ;-) Besides, it takes better photos than the kids phone does.
Mic and I played some games today. Creationary and then a short lived game of dominoes that Mic made up.
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