Monday, July 30

07-29 Breakin' The Rules

There is a first time for everything I guess.  I forgot to pick up my drivers license on my way out the door to the prison.  Thought I had a brilliant idea to bring in my debit card since it is a photo I.D. Not a brilliant idea. I got a talking to by a lieutenant and had to drive the 45 miles back home without teaching any prisoners. So, note to self. NEVER bring a credit or debit card  into the prison.

07-28 Sleep Over Too

Gabe went over to spend the night with Cranston.  I'm sure there was lots of video gaming and nerf wars.

07-27 Sleep Over

We did a sibling switch. Beatrice came over here to spend the night with Mic and.....

07-26 Homeschool

I've been working on our upcoming school year schedule.  Typing the kids core subjects into Homeschool Tracker Plus.  Makes it easy to print out the kids daily work and keep track of grades.

Friday, July 27

07-25 Sold!

Made my first sale on Craig's List.  Sold the math program that Michaela did last school year.  It helped to pay for this years math. Yay!

And I can't find the photo.  Oh well. =)

07-24 Food Pantry

We helped out with the food pantry set up again.  Got Mic to come along this time. Realized that Gabe and I don't really work well together.

07-23 Vote!

We took advantage of early voting.

07-22 Salad

This is my favorite salad.  Better than cole slaw. =)